High Demand Within The IT Industry

computer support and services

It is clear that computer support technicians are in high demand. Their job outlook is strong and there is a growing demand for these types of professionals in many different industries. Job outlook: Employment of computer support technicians is projected to increase 8 percent over the next decade, far faster than the average for other jobs. Demand for IT technicians will continue to increase as companies update their computer equipment and systems.

Qualifications: The most common qualifications of IT support specialists are bachelor’s degrees and master’s degrees. Many IT support specialists begin their careers with associate degrees. Job outlook: Job prospects for IT computer support specialists continue to be excellent, even in slow economic times. In fact, some positions may require full-time work schedules, which could make it difficult to find flexible hours.

Training: For those with an earned degree in computer science, it is relatively simple to obtain certification or formal training in the IT field. In many cases, job skills can be learned on the job. Those without a bachelor’s degree may take classes at community colleges, although the number of computer support specialist classes may be small. Certified IT specialists may be able to take advantage of online courses to enhance their skill set and qualify for higher salaries. The median annual wage for computer network support specialists can reach up to forty-five thousand dollars, depending on location.

Prerequisites for IT Specialists

Skills: It is very important for IT support technicians to have knowledge of network security, routing, security monitoring, and backup systems. Many technicians work as part of a company’s network security team (tier 0). This helps them understand what threats are most often faced by internal users and system administrators and how to handle them. Network security specialists (tier 1) are usually drawn from the ranks of network technicians, support technicians, or information technology (IT) managers.

Education: IT support services specialists may get their start with associate degrees, or certificate programs, from schools that offer specialized certifications. IT support technicians may also get their education through on-the-job apprenticeships or on-the-job specialty training. Typically, IT support specialists begin their careers on the IT side of a company’s Information Technology departments. This experience will provide them with a good base level of IT knowledge. After gaining experience, many IT support technicians can move into upper-level positions in Information Technology management, and later on into the more technical positions of software developers and technical assistants. The median salary for IT support specialists can reach up to fifty thousand dollars a year.

Work Experience: Many IT support services specialists start out by working directly with the customer. This experience helps them develop a customer-specific understanding of how to troubleshoot particular computer equipment issues. At first, many IT support services technicians are employed by a computer rental or support services firm. As an independent contractor, they are paid on a per-use basis. With this experience, many new job applicants can already identify common problems with new computer equipment, such as software malfunctions or driver issues. They can also easily pick up the specific details about new technologies that companies are introducing.

Things To Consider In An IT Career

Career Insights: One of the best ways to learn about IT support services is to gain firsthand experience while working with one of your current employers. You may not feel comfortable letting your boss know about your IT support technician career aspirations, but it is important that your boss knows that you are ready for a career change. When you discuss your career goals with your boss, make sure that he fully understands your IT support technician career insights, including your decision to take on another position at your previous employer. Your boss will likely have suggestions about training, certification, and other ways that he can support you on your new job.

Training & Certification: IT support technicians often receive training in information technology policies, including how to troubleshoot certain hardware issues. However, many support technicians also obtain additional training and certification in areas such as data security and network maintenance. IT support technicians can typically obtain these certifications through IT certification programs, such as the Certified Information Technology Specialist (CITS) or the CompTIA Project+ exams. In addition to obtaining certification in your specific field, IT support technicians who work with large corporations may be required to take additional courses that focus on how to properly work with management and other employees in the larger company.

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